Counselor » Academic Success

Academic Success

Every student at HMS has access to IXL. IXL is a company that is passionate about creating and supporting the best educational technology possible. Their mission is to look beyond the specific problems of today to see the bigger picture, with the ultimate goal of improving learning itself.
This is a resources provided by the school to help support your students academic success. 
The change from Intermediate School to Middle School can be T-O-U-G-H! Hard work and dedication are needed to be successful at HMS. With the help of your teachers, parents, counselor, and a few tips students are far more likely to meet their potential. 
1. Read assigned texts/handouts
2. Don’t procrastinate - get a head start!
3. Pay attention to the organization of the text
4. Highlight key points/terms in text as you read
5. Review often!
6. Study with a study group
7. Get help before it’s too late
8. Do homework assignments
9. Make an outline or take notes of your reading
10. Set aside a quiet place to study with few distractions
By being a parent you are the major influence on your child's life and future. Transitioning from Intermediate to Middle School can be challenging. With you on their team they are better equipped to take on the challenges of Middle School . 
As a school counselor one of my goals is to help students become productive members of society. This also includes teaching them to advocate for themselves and take responsibility for their actions. Every three weeks a progress report comes out, and a failure list is then produced. I speak to every student on that list and gather information to break down their learning barriers, while at the same time teaching them to advocate for themselves.
There is a three step process: 
1. The first time a student's name is on the failure list we complete the accountability sheet together.  We then go together to talk to their teacher(s) so I can teach them how to respectfully discuss their grade, or missing work with their teachers. I will then make a copy of the completed form so that both the student and I can have one. I then file this document in case a parent ever wants to see their students "Accountability Sheet". 
2. The second time a student's name is on the failure list I give the accountability sheet to the student to take with them and fill out with their teachers. The student must get the form signed by their teacher, and bring it back to me. I will then make a copy of this sheet so that I can send a copy with the student, and I can keep one for myself. I then file this document in case a parent ever wants to see their students "Accountability Sheet". 
3. The third time a student's name is on the failure list I give the accountability sheet to the student to take with them and fill out with their teachers. Then I call home to talk a parent or guardian about their students grades so that we can create a plan that will help their student succeed during the next three weeks. I also tell their parent or guardian to expect an envelope in their students backpack that has copies of their last three accountability sheets.